Concepts, Nature, Scope, and significance, Management Functions. Principles of Management, Roles and Skills of a manager, Levels of Management.
Classical- Scientific, Administrative and Bureaucratic School of Thought, Neo-Classical- Human Relations and Behavioral School of Thought; Modern- Quantitative, Systematic and Contingency School of Thought
Planning: Concept, Types and Process; MBO, MBE
Decision Making: Techniques and Components, Rationality in Decision Making
Organizing: Concept, Types, Process and Principles, Authority and Responsibility, Delegation of Authority, Centralization and Decentralization, Span of control
Organization Structures: Forms of Organizational Structures, Formal and informal Organization, Features, Merits and Demerits.
Controlling: Nature of control in organizations, Types of control, Steps in control process, Controlling Techniques Change management: Concept, Features, Lewin’s three step model, Resistance to change and Overcoming Resistance to Change |
Gilbert: Principles of Management, McGraw Hill.
2. Greenberg Jerald and Baron Robert A.: Behaviour in Organisations: Understanding and Managing The Human Side of Work, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Kaul Vijay Kumar, Business Organisation& Management - Text and Cases,Pearson.
4. Koontz & Heinz Weihrich: Essential of Management, McGraw Hill.
5. Luthans Fred: OrganisationalBehaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Mc Shane L. Steven, Glinow Mary Ann Von & Sharma Radha R. - Organisational
Behaviour; Tata McGraw Hill.
1. Newstrom John W.: OrganisationalBehaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Robbins Stephen P: OrganisationalBehaviour, Pearson.
3. Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter: Management, Pearson.
4. Y.K. Bhushan: Fundamentals of Business Organisation& Management, Sultan
Chand & Sons.