Concept of Services , , Difference between Goods and Services, Unique Characteristics of Services, 7Ps of Expanded Marketing Mix, Service Marketing Triangle
Understanding strategy in a marketing context. The Marketing Plan: Strategies and Processes, Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans for Growth and Downsizing, Managing the Marketing effort, Marketing Organization
Identifying and Analyzing Competitors, Competitive Strategies for Market Leaders and Challengers, Followers and Nichers; Offensive and Defensive strategies
Green Marketing: Concept, Problems and Challenges in Green Marketing
Social Marketing: Concept and Definition, Scope, Problems and: Challenges, Social Marketing Campaigns. Environmental Concerns in Marketing.
Marketing Ethics: Ethical Issues in Marketing
Introduction to Internet Marketing, Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing Process, Digital Marketing & Traditional Marketing,Digital Marketing Strategies
Social Media Marketing: Social Media Mix,
Viral and Buzz Marketing: Elements of a Viral Marketing Strategy
Concept of Multi level Marketing
1. Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha : Marketing Management (Twelfth Edition), A South Asian Perspective; Pearson Education
2. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Govindarajan, Marketing Management: Concepts, Cases, Challenges and Trends, 2nd edition, PHI Learning Private Ltd.
4. John Mullins, Orville C. Walker, Harper W. Boyd, Marketing Management-A Strategic Decision-Making Approach, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Chandra Bose, Modern Marketing: Principles and Practice, PHI Learning Private Ltd.
1.6. Dave Chaffey,Fiona Ellis-Chadwick,Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 5/E, Pearson
7. Bateson, Hoffmam, Services Marketing, Cengage Learning
8. Ahuja Vandana, Digital Marketing, Oxford Higher Education