Course Outcomes (Cos):
CourseOutcome |
Learningandteaching strategies |
AssessmentStrategies |
On completion of this course, the students will be able to; |
Approach in teaching: InteractiveLectures,Group Discussion, field visit, workshops
Learningactivitiesforthe students: Presentations |
VivaandPresentation |
CO154:Analyzetheneedsof understandinghumanvalues CO155:Exploringvariousformsof humanvaluesforlivinginharmony CO 156: Assess their own human valuesanddemonstrateknowledge towards meaningfully contributing tothedevelopmentofanequitable and just society. |
The studentswilllearnandundertakevariousUniversalHumanValuesinthesemester.Variousguestlectures,field visits, awareness drives, workshops and seminars will be organized to fulfil the objectives of this paper.
Studentswillhavetoundertakeaprojecttoassesstheirownhumanvaluesanddemonstrateknowledgeofhuman valueslearnedindifferentsocialsettingsforthesemester.Attheendofeachsemesterstudentswillbeevaluated on the basis of the project report prepared related to the work done in the field of exploring universal human values.
UnderstandingthevariousformsofUniversalHumanValues: Renunciation(Sacrifice),ConstitutionalValues,Justice and Human Rights, Service, Integral Human Well-being, Gratitude, Relationship and Family, Role of individual in Society
Exploring different forms of Universal Human Values through; case studies, simulated situation, guest lectures, awareness programmes, workshops, real life examples of people who are remembered in history for practicing human values.
Suggested Readings